Khalili-Mahani,N., Woods, S., Holowka, E. M., Pahayahay, A., Roy M. (2022) Toward a digital citizen lab for capturing data about alternative ways of self-managing chronic pain: An attitudinal user study
Khalili-Mahani, N., Tran, S.(2022) The Bigger Picture of Digital Interventions for Pain, Anxiety and Stress: A Systematic Review of 1200+ Controlled Trials
Khalili-Mahani, N., Sawchuk, K; Elbaz, S., Habblethwaite, S., Timm-Bottos, J. (2022) A Social-Media Study of the Older Adults Coping with the COVID-19 Stress by Information and Communication Technologies
*Best Paper Award* Khalili-Mahani N., Elbaz S., Pahayahay A., Timm-Bottos J. (2021) Role of Social Media in Coping with COVID-19 Stress: Searching for Intergenerational Perspectives.
Holowka E.M., Woods S., Pahayahay A., Roy M., Khalili-Mahani N. (2021) Principles for Designing an mHealth App for Participatory Research and Management of Chronic Pain.
Assadi A., Elbaz S., Khalili-Mahani N. (2021) The Belief in Health Benefits of Digital Play Modulates Physiological Responses to Games: A Repeated-Measures Quantitative Study of Game Stress in Older Adults Playing Different Game Genres. In: Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Supporting Everyday Life Activities.
Khalili-Mahani N. For Whom the Games Toll: A Qualitative and Intergenerational Evaluation of What is Serious in Games for Older Adults (2020)
Khalili-Mahani, N, Omid-Yeganeh, M […] Alan Evans, (2021) A Simulation Platform for Testing the Accuracy and Detection Power of Corticometry Pipelines, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, vol 15,
Amber Pahayahay, Najmeh Khalili-Mahani (2020) What Media Helps, What Media Hurts: A Mixed Methods Survey Study of Coping with COVID-19 Using the Media Repertoire Framework and the Appraisal Theory of Stress, J Med Internet Res 2020;22(8):e20186 6.
Ella Goodman-Vincent, Mathieu Roy, Najmeh Khalili-Mahani (2020), Affective Game Planning for Playing the Pain: An Experimental Framework for Testing the Analgesic Efficacy of Market-place Mobile Games” https://doi.10.1145/3383668.3419933
Khalili-Mahani N. Reflective and Reflexive Stress Responses of Older Adults to Three Gaming Experiences In Relation to Their Cognitive Abilities: Mixed Methods Crossover Study (2020)
Khalili-Mahani N. Older Adults, do you find digital games too stressful to benefit from? A Mixed method evaluation of reflective and reflexive responses to gaming for health. JMIR Preprints. 21/03/2019:12388. DOI: 10.2196/preprints.12388.
Khalili-Mahani N, De Schutter B. Affective Game Planning for Assistive ICTs—A Quantitative Extension of Gerontoludic Design Based on the Appraisal Theory of Stress and Coping. JMIR Preprints. 03/01/2019:13303. DOI: 10.2196/preprints.13303.
Khalili-Mahani N, Smyrnova A, Kakinami L. To Each Stress Its Own Screen: A Cross-Sectional Survey of the Patterns of Stress and Various Screen Uses in Relation to Self-Admitted Screen Addiction. J Med Internet Res 2019;21(4):e11485. DOI: 10.2196/11485. PMID: 30938685.